Kurset er beregnet på de som har gått et 6-ukers nybegynnerkurs tidligere. I dette kurset vil vi forsøke å dekke fra det helt enkle i tango til litt mer avansert. Målet er at de som går kurset skal være i stand til å danse og hygge seg på milonga etter endt kurs.
Kurset forutsetter kunnskaper tilsvarende helgekurs eller 6-ukers nybegynnerkurs (I).
Det er forventet at deltagere er kjent med det grunnleggende i tango som abrazo, vektskifter, krysset og ocho. Kurset vil bringe deg videre og gjøre deg klar til å ta et ukesbasert påbygningskurs neste semester eller kurs på lavere nivå på en av våre tangohelger
It takes two to tango, så dersom det blir ubalanse mellom antall menn og kvinner på kursene blir det lite tilfredstillende for alle parter. Vi både anbefaler og oppfordrer deg til å finne noen som har lyst til å være med på kurs, men vi tar også imot singel-påmeldte. Som singel vil du bli satt på en venteliste og får tildelt en partner etterhvert som andre melder seg på. For singel-påmeldte sørger vi kun for at antallet kvinner og menn går opp. Påmelding er bindende både for single og par.
Kursserien holdes hver torsdag kl.18.00-19.30 fra 20 oktober til 24. november.
Nybegynnerkurs del II introduserer noe mer avanserte elementer enn del I, så vi anbefaler at du tar både del I og II om du ønsker å lære deg tango i høst.
Har du spørsmål angående kurs, mangler noen å gå på kurs med eller lurer på om tango er noe for deg, så send en mail til kurs@trondheimtango.com. Se også våre facebooksider Tangodansere i Trondheim og Trondheim Tangoklubb om du ønsker å bli kjent med tangomiljøet i Trondheim.
Instruktører er Bjørn Christian, Anita og Elisabeth
Pris pr.pers. 600,- for medlemmer og studenter, og 700,- for andre.
Sigrid Van Tilbeurgh and Daniel Carlsson in Trondheim 27-30 Oct. 2011
Since early childhood, Sigrid has been interested in dance. She started with ballet, and her desire to expand her knowledge and explore new ways of expression brought her to contemporary dance. In 2004, she went to Buenos Aires for one year in order to pursue her formal training in tango. She was practicing a lot and even taught in the Confiteria Ideal with Fabrizio Forti. In 2006, Sigrid moved to Paris, and began teaching and dancing with Mazen Kiwan. From this point, Sigrid and Mazen find themselves in greater demand as teachers and dancers in some of the world’s largest festivals. In the summer of 2008, Sigrid settled down in Berlin, and has started a few years ago a new collaboration with Daniel Carlsson. Sigrid still travels the world, teaching with Daniel. She is also frequently invited as a solo artist and to give women’s technique workshops.
Daniel grew up with tango music around him. When visiting family in Buenos Aires he took the opportunity to go deeper into the tango dance, and back in Sweden he started teaching in Lund and Malmö. A few years later the hobby became more and more intense. He took more or less 100 workshops with among others Nancy and Damian, Gustavo Naveira and Giselle Anne and even with Gavito. He started Tangokompaniet in Malmö. From 2003 Daniel was travelling around the globe teaching in some big international festivals (Greece, Turkey, Japan, Finland, Spain, Italy, Iceland, Norway, Denmark, Germany with Jessica, Anna and Gilda) and dancing in more than 80 cities and 15 countries. As a teacher Daniel is well regarded for really seeing the students, for a hands-on approach and for recognising patterns and tensions on an individual level and in an efficient way proposing solutions.
Have a look at the videos enclosed from performances by Sigrid and Daniel in Berlin and Malmö.
Thursday: Instructor classes
T1: 19.00-20.30 – A discussion case about teaching roles and development / Ett diskussions tillfälle om lärarroll och ansvar– utveckling
T2: 20.30-22.00 – A technique walk-through for better in-depth techniques/En teknik genomgång för att förbättra deras teknik på djupet
Day practica for everybody in the side room, classes in the main room
Friday October 28
F1: 19.00-20.30 – Technique class for leaders (side room) / technique class for followers (main room)
M 21.00 – Milonga with DJ-Esmaeil
Saturday October 29
P 11.00-18.00 – Day practica – no fee! (side room)
L1: 11.00-12.30 – Musical interpretations from Canaro to Pugliese (all levels)
L2: 13.30-15.00 – Circular colgadas in all positions- technique training (all levels, but primary for experienced and advanced)
L3: 15.30-18.00 – Projections in all directions – in the floor (all levels)
M 21.00 – Grand Milonga with show. We start the milonga with a «bring your own food» dinner. Everybody brings food and drinks for the common table. The dance starts at 21.30.
Sunday October 30
P 11.00-18.00 – Day practica – no fee! (side room)
S1: 11.00-12.30 – Projections in all directions – in the air (experienced and advanced)
S2: 13.30-15.00 – Giros with sacadas (all levels)
S3: 15.30-18.00 – Sliding steps – skating in tango (fantasia) (experienced and advanced)
Find your dancing partner and get ready for this fall major tango event with courses and milongas at the great venue Håndverkeren in Trondheim.
Kurset er nå stengt for påmelding
Trondheim has many hotels and other places you can stay. Places to stay in Trondheim:>Hotels and Hostels
Er du tilreisende tangodanser og ønsker privat overnatting i Trondheim?
Send da en mail til boende[at]trondheimtango.com med følgende opplysninger:
Når du ønsker overnatting
Hvor mange du ønsker overnatting til
Er du singel eller par
Eventuelle allergier mot hund og katt
Vår kontaktperson i klubben vil da forhøre seg om det er noen som kan tilby privat overnatting. Er du heldig vil du da få tilsendt kontaktinformasjon til denne. Resten av detaljene avklarer du med den du får bo hos.
Mario Bournissen and Laura Rusconi in Trondheim 23-27 Sept. 2011
It is a great pleasure to wish Mario and Laura welcome to Trondheim to teach, and not the least to invite you to experience them in September’s big tango weekend in Trondheim. Welcome!
Select the course package and whether to have dinner Saturday (tango evening). Record course by clicking the course code, eg: F1, L1, L2, S3 = first course on Friday, the first and second course on Saturday and last course Sunday for further information see www. trondheimtango.com
If you have multiple partners at different courses, enter the partner’s name along with the code for the course you want to do. It is not possible to sign up without a partner, however, both parties must sign up (prices are per person). We reserve the right that some courses may be fully subscribed. You will then be offered other courses.
Select the number of additional courses and desired meals in the dropdown menu.
Kurset er nå stengt for påmelding
Friday September 23rd
F1 19:00-20:30 Technique/ Walks I (all levels)
M 2100 – Milonga w/DJ
Saturday September 24th
L1 12:00 – 13:30 Tango Salon I (all levels)
L2 14:30-16:00 Milonga I (all levels)
L3 16:30-18:00 Technique/ Walks II (all levels)
M 2100 – Milonga w/DJ
Sunday September 25th
S1 12:00-13:30 Tango Salon II (level 3, 4, 5, 6)
S2 14:30-16:00 Milonga II (level 3, 4, 5, 6)
S3 16:30-18:00 Tango and Milonga Clinique (All levels)
F1: We will be working on the body structure, posture and relation with our partner. We will be using simple walking sequences and recognize different types of energy used in different situation.
L1: We will be using simple basic movements and short movements useful as links to help us improvise. Finding tools for a better space management.
L2: We will work on walks and rhythmical exercises, individual and partner exercises.
L3: The focus is going to the posture, structure and partner relation and working on more complex walks, with changes of directions, «rodeos» and dynamics.
S1: Resources for reduced spaces and for the dance floor. We will work on sequences with special attention to the relation with the partner, leader’s role, reception and embellishments for the follower.
S2: We will work on sequences, rhythm and cadence.
S3: This is a class where we will be correcting and orienting the people with the problems we see in their dance in different situations.
After 18:00 those interested will get a free and guided practice to work on all the questions related to the content of the previous workshops.
Special Workshops
Monday September 26th
New beginner´s Workshop
M1 18:30-20:00 Importance of the embrace in the dance (level 1,2,3)
Instructor’s Workshop
M2 20:30-22:00 Importance of the embrace. We work on the 8-step base and its variations. Simple exercises to use when working with beginners. Exercises to work on the walks, axis and dissociation. Common mistakes and how to work on them. (level 4,5,6) You can also be present at workshop M1, at 1830 if you so wish in order to study the teaching (without extra fee).
Tuesday September 27
19.00-22.00 Guided Practica at Befalsforeningen (all levels) (ordinary club prices/cards apply)
Roxana Suarez and Sebastián Achaval in Trondheim, May 18-24, 2011
We are happy to announce that Roxana Suarez and Sebastián Achaval are coming to teach in Trondheim this spring. Roxana and Sebastián teach group workshops for all levels.
«We define ourselves as dance-floor dancers because our dance is intimate and authentic, representing the tango experienced in Buenos Aires milongas in which feeling is the predominant dimension.
It is a very personal style that combines a close but warm and comfortable embrace with the subtleness of figures and quality movements. We add to that the musical performance and the elegance that identify us in our walk.
In each show –either on a dance floor or a stage– we underline the essence and tradition of tango in its golden times, with a young and actual view.» (http://www.roxanaysebastian.com)
Come and join us for a great weekend with dancers from Norway and abroad!
*Vie/Fri* 20 th May
1900-2030 Clase de milonga I (level 1,2,3,4,5,6)
2100- Milonga DJ Lorenzo
*Sab/Sat*21 th May
1200-1330 Clase de técnica/caminata I (level 1,2,3,4,5,6)
1430-1600 Clase de tango salón I(level 1,2,3,4,5,6)
1630-1800 Clase de milonga II(level 3,4,5,6)
2030-0200 Grand Milonga, Dinner 21.00, DJ Atle B., Live music by Andreas, Tango show ~2400
*Dom/Sun*22 th May
1200-1330 Clase de técnica/caminata II (level 2,3,4,5,6)
1430-1600 Clase de tango salón II (level 3,4,5,6)
1630-1800 Clase de vals (level 1,2,3,4,5,6)
1800-2100 Milonga DJ Mindaugas
Roxana and Sebastián will also be available for a limited number of private lessons during their stay only on Friday 20 of May. Contact tangohelg[at]trondheimtango.com to register for private lessons. Please be aware that 8 people have registered already for private lessons. Registration for private lessons will end Friday 6/5 – 2011 at 15.00.
All courses will be held in Bridgehuset, Brattørveita 10.
4 Classes and milongapass: kr 1000
5 Classes and milongapass: kr 1100
6 Classes and milongapass: kr 1200
1 Class: kr 250
2 Classes: kr 500
Milongapass Fri/Sat/Sun: kr 250
Milonga Saturday: kr 150
Milonga Friday: kr 150
Grand Gala Dinner Tapas Buffet Saturday: kr 100
Milongapass and Dinner Tapas Buffet Saturday: kr 225
Milongapass Friday and Saturday and Dinner Tapas Buffet Saturday: kr 325
Choosing the right level:
It is often possible to belong to more than one level, and this can depend on the topic of the course. E.g. you may be able to do giros, but still need to work on them to make them smooth, more dynamic, to add sacadas, different exits etc. Try to be objective when you evaluate your level. It is usually not possible to fully understand the content and complexity of the course based only on the title, that is why the levels are there.
It can be very frustrating to attend a level that is too high and not understand because of the speed and progression that is expected. It can also be frustrating to other dancers if someone is slowing the progression of the course.
It is always good to repeat basic technique, especially when we have teachers on this level!
If you are not sure about the levels or what to attend, talk to one of our local teachers.
Nysgjerrig på tango? Dette er en perfekt anledning til å se om argentisk tango er noe for deg. Nybegynnerkurset er på totalt 5 timer og går over to dager (lørdag og søndag). Kurset vil gi deg en innføring i argentinsk tango.
Kurset starter kl. 10.00 og varer til 13.00 både lørdag og søndag inklusive en pause.
Instruktører er Hanne Beate og Wiggo
Pris pr. pers. 350,- for medlemmer og studenter, og 400,- for andre.
Det er anledning til å melde seg på alene, men siden » It takes two to tango» så oppfordrer vi til at du prøver å finne noen å gå på kurs med. Melder du deg på alene vil vi prøve å matche deg med en annen deltaker eller finne en litt mer erfaren danser som vil repetere sammen med deg.
Instruktører: Stein Erlend og Ingrid
L1: 1330 -1500 lørdag – Tango 1: Bruk av høy og lav dans i tango. Åpen stil for alle.
Instruktører: Timo og Anita
L2: 1530 -1700 lørdag – Milonga 1: Hva er vel mer morsomt i tangoverdenen enn å danse milonga? Lær å danse milonga så du får den rette følelsen i harmoni med din partner og med musikken. Dette kurset passer godt for deg som aldri har danset milonga før, synes du trenger en oppfrisking av gamle kunster eller om du har trinnene men ikke tryggheten og tiden som kreves.
Instruktører: Stein Erlend og Ingrid
S1: 1330 -1500 søndag – Milonga 2: Trinnskift, hvordan mestre overganger mellom trinnsett uten å miste rytmen. Avanserte trinn for viderekomne, bruk av høy vs lav dans i milonga.
Instruktører: Terje og Ellinor
S2: 1530 -1700 søndag – Tango 2: Girovariasjoner. Giro er en av de mest anvendelige basis figurer i Tango. Kurset tar for seg grunnleggende giro og går videre til 2 varianter som ikke danses mye i Trondheim.
Milonga lørdag (kurvfest!)
Lørdagen 2. april kl. 20.00 er det knyttis-milonga og kurvfest! Alle oppfordres til å ta med noe godt å spise som vi kan dele med hverandre. Det er opp til deg hva du vil ta med. Vanligvis har vi et rikt utvalg av alt fra middag og tapas-retter til salater, desserter og kaker.