Vi arrangerer milonga med tangoskosalg! Vi er så heldige at Turquoise Norge kommer på besøk til oss i Trondheim for å prensentere sine vakre og elegante sko. Det er mulighet for å både se, prøve og kjøpe sko.
Er du lur tar du en titt på deres hjemmeside og kikker på hva slags ulike modeller de har tilgjengelig, og sender de en melding.
PS. Cash is king, men Turquoise Norge har en kortterminal som tar både Visa og Mastercard!
Very short version in English:
Turquoise Norge are coming to Trondheim May 22. They will be presenting a wide range of their lovely and elegant tango shoes. If you like what you see, now is your chance to actually try the shoes on, and buy them right at the spot! 🙂
Maria Ines and Sebastian in Trondheim, Norway. April 25, 2015
Beautiful Maria Ines and the equally handsome Sebastian are leaving us today. We would like to thank you for coming all the way to little Trondheim in Norway again. Thank you for bringing so much inspiration and tango wisdom to us. We have enjoyed every minute you have been here. We wish you could have stayed longer. Det har vært så koselig!
Also, a big thank you to all of you who came for the weekend to attend classes and/or milongas. Thank you, DJ Anne Lise and DJ Atle, for the wonderful music. And thank you hosts! We hope you had a fantastic weekend with us here in Trondheim.
On behalf of the Trondheim tango club,
Anna and the Board of Directors
Returning champions: Maria Ines Bogado and Sebastian Jimenez (ARG).
It is with great pleasure that we can welcome the World Champions of tango salon and Metropolitan Champions in Vals (2010), Maria Ines Bogado and Sebastian Jimenez, from Argentina, back to Trondheim again.
For this joyful and happy occasion, they will hold 7 workshops from Friday to Sunday, and on Saturday’s Grand Milonga there will be a spectacular show just for you! During their stay in Trondheim, they will also be available for private lessons.
Maria Ines and Sebastian visited us two years ago, and their beautiful and unique style of tango mesmerized all of us. The results of our poll clearly showed that this was a couple that we would all love to have back, and now they are!
Experienced tangueros and tangueras as well as new dancers, you now have the opportunity to experience them (again). Grab the opportunity, and see for yourself their wonderfulness and love for tango.
Workshop and milonga schedule:
Friday April 24.
F1: 19.00-20.30 Structures of tango salon: from the simple to the more complicated (I)
Milonga: 21.00-02.00 DJ Anne Lise Bergem
Saturday April 25.
L1: 11.00-12.30 Leader’s technique & Follower’s technique (E)
L2: 13.00-14.30 Tools for interpretation: working with sustained tempos (I)
L3: 15.30-17.00 Vals: basic knowledge (I)
Grand Milonga: 21.00-02.00 DJ Atle Birkeland
Sunday April 26.
S1: 11.00-12.30 Embrace and elegant movements, key elements of Tango Salon (I)
S2: 13.00-14.30 Cadence: steps and sequences from the 40’s (I/A)
S3: 15.30-17.00 Circularity, begin of dissociation and work intensitivity. Technique and complex sequences (A)
For further details about the workshops and the private lessons, please see the following links:
If you don’t have partner, you can send an e-mail to:
kurs[at] where you include which classes you are interested in, and we will try to match you with someone with the same preferences; no guarantees.
Minimum level requirements explained:
E – Everyone: all levels, at the minimum you can lead/follow what is tought at our 6-12 weeks semester courses for beginners, basic technique (walking, weight changes, ochos), dance experience: 3 months or more
I – Intermediate: you have integrated what is taught at our 6-12 weeks intermediate semester courses, basic technique (see above, also including giros, double-time steps, rebound steps/change of direction, cross/parallel system), dance experience: 1-2 years or often more
I/A – Intermediate/advanced: your basic technique is good (see above, also the preparation and flow of ganchos, boleos and barridas is getting much better), ocho cortado is easy, you have flow in your vals and your milonga is getting much better, dance experience: 2-5 years or often more
A – Advanced: you are a very experienced dancer, your techique and communciation in the embrace is very good, musicality is an integrated part of your dance and much more important to you than steps/figures, you teach or are able to teach at all the levels below, dance experience: 3-7 years or often more
M – Master: you are an exceptionally good dancer, you teach or are able to teach at all the levels below, dance experience: 5-10 years or often more
Practicing basic technique; walking, weight changes and communication in the embrace, is always time well spent.
Behovet for et større lokale og bedre gulv til practica har resultert i at vi fra og med 06.01.2015 vil avholde practica på Lademoen Bydelshus, Østersundsgate 1.
Vi gleder oss til å se dere alle på dansegulvet igjen.
NB. From January 6th 2015 the practica sessions will be held at a new location, Østersundsgate 1.
I dag er det den tredje søndag i advent, og julen nærmer seg med stormskritt. Snøen har lagt seg over Trondheim som et hvitt pledd. I sentrum yrer det av liv på julemarkedene og i butikkene kryr det av mennesker på jakt etter den aller beste julegaven de kan finne til sin kjære.
Men du? Hva med å gi din bedre halvdel eller venn noe annerledes i år? Et gavekort i argentinsk tango for eksempel?
Et kurs i argentinsk tango er en døråpner til spennende utfordringer og nye bekjentskaper. For oss som allerede danser tango er det en livsstil og vår form for meditasjon. Vi håper at du og dine har lyst til å se litt av vår verden.
Nå har du altså muligheten til å gi bort en danseopplevelse i årets julegave, og hvorfor ikke innvilge seg selv en ekstra julegave også?
Ps. Ved kjøp og registrering av kurspakke før utgangen av 2014 gir vi 100 kroner rabatt.
God jul fra oss i Trondheim Tangoklubb
Ved kjøp av gavekort følger man link (se under) for registrering av vedkommende. I kommentarfeltet skriver man ‘Gavekort’. Deretter er det bare å printe ut gavekortet som man får sendt på en jpg-fil på mail.
Husk at dersom du vil gi et gavekort til både deg selv og din partner, må man huske på å registrere seg selv også. Prisen som er oppgitt er per person.
Ps. Gavekortet er kun gyldig ved registrering via, og i et år.