Trondheim Tangoklubb

paint the music with your feet

Thursday summer tango at Krem Kaffebar

Posted 18.06.2016 by in Nyheter | Uncategorized

13173498_1107635395923648_101649316598641874_oWe are happy to announce Thursday summer tango at Krem Kaffebar in Krambugata 3 every Thursday in June and July from 18-21.

We want this to be a low-threshold venue for all dancers at all levels, so the first part will be a practica, and the second part will be a milonga. We will try to organise some workshops or instructions for the practica part, but this is not yet in place.

Note that there will be no Friday and Sunday milongas in July and early/mid August, so this will be your only chance to dance indoor tango in Trondheim this summer.

Alexandra Yepes and Edwin Espinosa – October fest in Trondheim!

Posted 22.05.2016 by in Kurs

Please make room in your calendar for a fabulous tango weekend with the Colombian dancers Alexandra Yepes and Edwin Espinosa at Båtsmannsgata 4 in Trondheim 28-30 October 2016. Here is a little preview of what is awaiting you.

Alexandra y Edwin


FRIDAY 28/10-2016

1930-2100 Embrace and walk (all levels)
2100-0030 Evening milonga

SATURDAY 29/10-2016

1200-1330 Control of tension and relaxation (all levels)
1345-1515 Giro technique in tango salon (all levels)
1600-1730 Sacadas and barridas in the giro (intermediate)
2100-0100 Evening milonga with show

SUNDAY 30/10-2016

1200-1330 Female and male techniques (all levels))
1345-1515 Milonga part 1 – basic structures (all levels))
1630-1800 Milonga part 2 (intermediate)
1800-2100 Evening milonga

Private classes will be given 26. and 27. October.

More info will follow.

Tango-weekend with Nico Bottega

Posted 13.05.2016 by in Kurs

We are pleased to invite you all to a tango-weekend with Nico Bottega. Please enlist at

Schedule (20-22 May):

Friday: 1930-2100 (regular milonga 2100-0100)
Saturday: 1600-1730
Sunday: 1600-1730.

Price: 50 NOK per workshop.

Place: Bridgehuset Trondheim.

For private lessons with Nico, call Solfrid Helsø at 917 68 525. Price: NOK 600/h.

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