Trondheim Tangoklubb

paint the music with your feet

Program Alexandra og Edwin – 27-29 oktober

Posted 26.09.2017 by Hjard Jensen in Uncategorized

Påmelding til tangoweekend med Alexa og Edwin finner du her.

Her følger program for tangoweekenden:

Dag Kl Hva Nivå
Fredag 1930-2100 Follower technique
Leader technique
All levels
2100-0100 Fredagsmilonga  Vert: Linda & Geir
Lørdag 1200-1330 Melodic sequences exploring with music All levels
1345-1515 Sacadas combinations, time and contra-time Intermediate
1545-1715 Milonga, combinations in time and contra-time Intermediate
2100-0100 Festmilonga m/ oppvisning Vert: Linda & Geir
Søndag 1200-1330 Giro All levels
1345-1515 Vals, man and woman sacadas Intermediate
1545-1715 Dissociation and Association, close embrace Intermediate