Trondheim Tangoklubb

paint the music with your feet

English info

Trondheim tango club was founded in 1992, and since then we have given lessons and organized events in Argentine tango at all levels.

Scheduled classes:

  • Beginner classes 2 times per semester, 6 weeks (Normally Tuesdays 1730-1900) during spring and autumn semesters.
  • Intermediate 1 – 2 times per semester, 6 weeks (Normally Thursdays 1730-1900) during spring and autumn semesters.
  • Intermediate 2 – 2 times per semester, 6 weeks (Normally Thursdays 1900-2030) during spring and autumn semesters.
  • We arrange a number of theme classes during the year. Check our course page for available classes.

If you have any questions regarding scheduled classes or tango events, please contact us at For all other inquiries, please contact us at

For an overview of tango instructors from abroad that have been invited by Trondheim tango club in the past, check out this page.

A membership in Trondheim tango club costs NOK 300 per year. The benefits of having a membership includes: reduced prices on lessons, practicas and milongas, and the option of purchasing an a ‘free access’ semester pass or annual card. Only members have the right to vote at the annual meeting or take a position at the board.

Click here to become a member and/or to buy a ‘free access’ card.

Every Tuesday from 1900-2100 during spring and autumn semesters you can come to our practica at Tangohuset, Haakon VIIs gate 23c, entrance «J» (the venue is in 2.floor, above Bilia auto). The entrance fee is NOK 50 for members and NOK 100 for non-members.


Every Sunday there is a milonga from 1900-2200 at Tangohuset, Haakon VIIs gate 23c, entrance «J». The entrance fee is NOK 50 for members and NOK 100 for non-members.

Thre is a Sunday milonga at Loreta’s in Prinsensgate 53 every other Sunday (or so). This is not an event arranged by Trondheim tango club, but we support it deeply. Entrance fee: NOK 140.

Our banking connection

Bank name:          SpareBank 1 SMN
Bank address:       Postboks 4796 Sluppen
Postal code:        7467
City:               Trondheim
Country:            Norway
BIC/SWIFT-address:  SPTRNO22
IBAN:               NO58 4202 3308 996