Fausto and Veronica weekend
Posted 28.10.2010 by Hjard Jensen in Kurs | Nyheter
Fausto and Veronica in Trondheim, October 15-17, 2010
We are happy to announce that Fausto Carpino and Veronica Toumanova are coming to teach in Trondheim.
Fausto and Veronica teach group workshops for all levels, concentrating on such aspects as the connection in the couple, musicality, technique and quality of movement.
Their energetic dance fuses elements of various tango styles and is rooted in a deep sensitivity to music. For more information, see their web-site.
Come and join us for a great weekend!
Friday October 15
1900-2030 W F1 Vals con giros (level 2,3,4,5,6)
2100- Milonga w/DJ Fausto
Saturday October 16
1200-1330 W L1 El caminar y los cambios de peso (level 1,2,3,4,5,6)
1400-1530 W L2 Combinaciones de tango salon (level 3,4,5,6)
1630-1800 W L3 Estructura y la elasticidad del abrozo (level 4,5,6)
2100- Grand milonga, show, DJ Lena Mjörndal from Stockholm
Sunday October 17
1200-1330 W S1 Cómo impulsar y mantener la engergía en la pareja (level 1,2,3,4,5,6)
1400-1530 W S2 Boleos, estructura (level 2,3,4,5,6)
1630-1800 W S3 Combinaciones rítmicas para Milonga (level 2,3,4,5,6)
1800-2200 Good-bye milonga with local DJ
Norsk oversettelse:
Fredag 15 oktober
1900-2030 W F1 Vals med giros (nivå 2,3,4,5,6)
2100- Milonga m/DJ Fausto
Lørdag 16 oktober
1200-1330 W L1 Gange og vektskifter (nivå 1,2,3,4,5,6)
1400-1530 W L2 Kombinasjoner av tango salon (nivå 3,4,5,6)
1630-1800 W L3 Oppbygning og elastistiet i abrazo’en (nivå 4,5,6)
2100- Grand milonga, oppvisning, DJ Lena Mjörndal fra Stockholm
Søndag 17 oktober
1200-1330 W S1 Hvordan sette igang og holde ved like energien i paret (nivå 1,2,3,4,5,6)
1400-1530 W S2 Boleoen’s oppbygning (nivå 2,3,4,5,6)
1630-1800 W S3 Kombinasjoner av rytme til milonga (nivå 2,3,4,5,6)
1800-2200 Avskjedsmilonga m/lokal DJ
3 courses with milongapass 700NOK
6 courses with milongapass 1300NOK
1 course 275NOK
2 courses 500NOK
Fausto and Veronica will also be available for a limited number of private lessons during their stay.
All courses will be held in Håndverkeren, Kjøpmannsgata 12.
There is possible to buy lunch Saturday and Sunday. The luch will be Foccacia from Dromedar.
Choosing the right level:
It is often possible to belong to more than one level, and this can depend on the topic of the course. E.g. you may be able to do giros, but still need to work on them to make them smooth, more dynamic, to add sacadas, different exits etc. Try to be objective when you evaluate your level. It is usually not possible to fully understand the content and complexity of the course based only on the title, that is why the levels are there.
It can be very frustrating to attend a level that is too high and not understand because of the speed and progression that is expected. It can also be frustrating to other dancers if someone is slowing the progression of the course.
It is always good to repeat basic technique, especially when we have teachers on this level!
If you are not sure about the levels or what to attend, talk to one of our local teachers.
Kurset er nå stengt for påmelding