12-ukers påbyggingskurs
Posted 19.08.2010 by Hjard Jensen in Kurs | Nyheter
Starter 7 september 2010
Dette kurset vil ta deg videre og er beregnet på dere som har danset litt fra før. For at nivået ikke skal bli for lavt kreves det at du har gått nybegynnerkurs (mer enn helgekurs) og danset litt tango. Kurset passer også for de som tidligere har gått påbyggingskurs (også kjent som litt øvet) og ønsker å repetere gammel kunnskap og samtidig lære noe nytt. Instrukt?rene vil tilpasse læreplanen til nivået på deltagerne.
Vi er ikke like strenge med påmelding i par her som på nybegynnerkurset, men vi anbefaler på det sterkeste at dere forsøker å finne en partner før dere melder dere på.
Kursserien holdes hver tirsdag kl.20.00-21.30 fra 7. september til 23. november.
Anita og Leo vil undervise de første 6 ukene av kurset og Torill og Karl Johan vil undervise de resterende 6 ukene.
Pris pr.pers. 1200,- for medlemmer og studenter, og 1350,- for andre.
Kurset er nå stengt for påmelding
Esteban and Evelyn weekend
Posted 15.02.2010 by Hjard Jensen in Kurs | Nyheter
Evelyn and Esteban in Trondheim, 9-11 April, 2010
Welcome to our great tango event in Trondheim this spring!
Esteban and Evelyn share the essence of tango and inspire their students by creating awareness of comfort, dynamic, music, and communication between two.
Tango is moving, it is changing. It adapts to different bodies, different places, ages and cultures; but always there is the Tango as an expression as communication. Evelyn Rivera and Esteban Cortez explore tango, using new dynamics finding the new Tango style.
It is a great pleasure to welcome Esteban Cortez and Evelyn Rivera to Trondheim to teach, and to invite you to see them during this exciting weekend.
Esteban and Evelyns web-site
Friday April 9
1900-2030 F1 Chacarera (All)
2100- Milonga w/DJ Lorenzo
Saturday April 10
1200-1330 L1 Body position into the embrace (level 1,2,3,4,5,6)
1400-1530 L2 Close embrace and open (but not faraway) with integrated boleos (level 2,3,4,5,6)
1630-1800 L3 Speed and preparation of the body within all four sacadas (level 4,5,6)
2100-2230 M Grand milonga dinner
2230- M Grand milonga, show, DJ Bernt Andreas Drange
Sunday April 11
1200-1330 S1 Circular movements with barridas (level 2,3,4,5,6)
1400-1530 S2 Density-Moment of the leading and response with focus on ganchos and positions (level 4,5,6)
1630-1800 S3 Rythms (level 1,2,3,4,5,6)
1800-2200 M Good-bye milonga DJ Anita
Kurset er nå stengt for påmelding
Thierry and Alessia weekend
Posted 05.09.2009 by Hjard Jensen in Kurs | Nyheter
Thierry Le Cocq and Alessia Lyndin in Trondheim, 16-18 October, 2009
Welcome to our great tango event in Trondheim this autumn!
Thierry Le Cocq and Alessia Lyndin are famous for sensitivity, fluidity and elegance, creative mobility and festive musical rhythmic interpretation.
In search of an optimal combination of body comfort and technical easy ways to create a harmony based on sensitivity to the partner, interpretation and improvisation they have reached a profound understanding of body movement.
Thierry and Alessia share the essence of tango and inspire their students by creating awareness of posture, breathing, displacements respecting natural mechanics, exchange of energies, rhythmics and style, to acquire a richness which opens for a greater freedom of expression.
It is a great pleasure to welcome Thierry Le Cocq and Alessia Lyndin to Trondheim to teach, and to invite you to see them during this exciting weekend.
Friday October 16
1900-2030 F1 Milonga simple (level 1,2,3,4,5,6)
2100- M Milonga w/DJ Birger
Saturday October 17
1200-1330 L1 Technique tango milonguero (level 1,2,3,4,5,6)
1400-1530 L2 Milonga (level 2,3,4,5,6)
1630-1800 L3 Milonga con traspié (level 4,5,6)
1930- Kræsjkurs
2100-2230 M Grand milonga dinner
2230- M Grand milonga, show, DJ Birger
Sunday October 18
1200-1330 S1 Tango Salon I (milonguero) (level 1,2,3,4,5,6)
1400-1530 S2 Tango salon II (milonguero) (level 3,4,5,6)
1630-1800 S3 Vals (level 3,4,5,6)
1800-2200 M Good-bye milonga DJ Anita