Trondheim Tangoklubb

paint the music with your feet

Tangoweekend med Murat Erdemsel 29. november – 1. desember

Posted 06.11.2019 by in Kursweekend

Vi har invitert Murat Erdemsel til Trondheim for å kjøre workshops med musikalitet som hovedtema. Vi tilbyr 7 flotte workshops og et foredrag om temaet.

Her er litt info om Murat:

Murat is gifted with an insightful, thorough and analytical understanding of the dance.  He started his journey with tango in Istanbul, 1998.  Widely known for his strong lead and musicality, Murat’s background in fine arts and music provides him with the perfect blend of senses for the movement of bodies through time and space.

In his philosophy of teaching Murat strives to offer students valuable tools in order to enable them to take control of their own personal growth.  He is warm, attentive, entertaining and accessible to students. The style of his teaching is holistic in approach and clear in method.  He successfully combines technical and sensory exercises with fundamental concepts that lead to all the challenging possibilities of improvisation and expression.  As demonstrated in his own dance, he focuses on the origin of movement coming from an agreement in the embrace and has created a unique brand all his own characterized by musicality, playfulness, a balanced partnership and an awareness of social etiquette.

Murat has influenced large numbers of dancers with his unique perspective of dance and instruction. He followed his parents path to art school. He established himself as an artist before he arrived in the US to complete his Masters Degree in Painting. His art works were sold to collections in Europe and in the States.

Kurshelg med Alexa og Edwin 1-3. november 2019

Posted 17.10.2019 by in Kursweekend

Alexandra Yepes og Edwin Espinosa fra Colombia er tilbake i Trondheim for 3. gang. Dette superparet har vært finalister i verdensmesterskapet i tango i en årrekke og leverer både fantastisk dans, gode workshops og show i særklasse. Ikke gå glipp av muligheten til å oppleve dette paret på nært hold!

Tangohelg med Sara og Juampi

Posted 07.06.2019 by in Kursweekend

Sara & Juampi coming back to Trondheim again (and again and again and again and again and again) means they indeed have something to teach us. And being invited back so many times means they have a special place in our tango hearts.

Tangohelg med Dulce og Raul

Posted 15.05.2019 by in Kursweekend

Superparet Dulce Lauria (Buenos Aires) og Raul Palladino (Punta del Este, Uruguay) er sommeren 2019 på europaturné. Og de kommer til Trondheim!

De har begge arbeidet i flere år hos Escuela DNI Tango, Buenos Aires.

Det blir 7 kurs med ulikt innhold. Hvert kurs er på 1,5 timer. Sammen med dette blir det gode muligheter til å danse på våre 2 milongaer.

Påmelding i par for kursene på lørdag og søndag.

Sara Westin og Juan Pablo Canavire kommer også…!

Fortsatt noen få privattimer tilgjengelig på Stjørdal og i Trondheim.


Posted 15.03.2019 by in Practica

Vi starter med practica på fredagskveldene fremover (om interessen er til stede). Det betyr practica fra kl 19 før vi går over i milonga rundt kl 21. Vi vil prøve å få en ledet practica/undervisning i løpet av practicaen,

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