Trondheim Tangoklubb

paint the music with your feet

Ines and Sebastian tango weekend

Posted 26.02.2013 by in Kurs | Nyheter

Ines and Sebastian in Trondheim, April 18 – 21, 2013

It is a great pleasure to welcome the World Champions of tango salon (2010), Maria Ines Bogado and Sebastian Jimenez (Argentina) to Trondheim – and to invite you to this event (7 classes and 2 milongas) together with us.

Please observe that the level requirements are (only) miminum level requirements. This means that there will be plenty of challenges for everyone (E), but some classes require for example at least intermediate (I) skills.

All classes and milongas take place at Bridgens Hus 3.etg (2nd floor), Brattørveita 10, Trondheim.

Thursday April 18.
 P:  11.00-17.00   Possibility for private lessons

Friday April 19.
 P:  11.00-18.00   Possibility for private lessons
 F1: 19.00-20.30   The concepts from walking to turning in tango 
                   salon - Villa Urquiza style (E)
 M:  21.00-02.00   Milonga - DJ Morten 

Saturday April 20.
 L1: 11.00-12.30   How to work the balance and axis
                   (men and women technique) (E)
 L2: 13.00-14.30   The technique for developing movements and 
                   sequences for a close embrace (I)

                   Lunch break 14.30-15.30

 L3: 15.30-17.00   Giro (conservation of axis) (I)
 M:  21.00-02.00   Grand milonga with show! - 'kurvfest'; everyone
                   brings food to share and we eat together before 
                   dancing (remember to bring at least as much as 
                   you will eat!) 
                   DJ Esmaeil (The Prince of Persia)

Sunday April 21.
 S1: 11.00-12.30   Giros and enrosques technique (E)
 S2: 13.00-14.30   Giros and contra-giros with adornments 
                   for men and women (I/A)

                   Lunch break 14.30-15.30

 S3: 15.30-17.00   Vals - circular movements (I)

Registration is binding. Your partner must also sign up within 3 days in order for you to keep your place.

Packages (classes + milongas):
7 classes + 2 milongas = 1400 NOK
5 classes + 2 milongas = 1100 NOK
3 classes + 2 milongas = 750 NOK

Single/double/extra classes:
1 class = 250 NOK
2 classes = 500 NOK

2 milongas (pass) = 250 NOK
1 milonga = 150 NOK

The registration is open!

If you don’t have partner, you can send an e-mail to:
kurs[at] where you include which classes you are interested in, and we will try to match you with someone with the same preferences; no guarantees.

If you are interested in a private lesson, send an e-mail to:
kurs[at] where you include the time of day and which day you prefer.

Minimum level requirements explained:

E – Everyone: all levels, at the minimum you can lead/follow what is tought at our 6-12 weeks semester courses for beginners, basic technique (walking, weight changes, ochos), dance experience: 3 months or more

I – Intermediate: you have integrated what is taught at our 6-12 weeks intermediate semester courses, basic technique (see above, also including giros, double-time steps, rebound steps/change of direction, cross/parallel system), dance experience: 1-2 years or often more

I/A – Intermediate/advanced: your basic technique is good (see above, also the preparation and flow of ganchos, boleos and barridas is getting much better), ocho cortado is easy, you have flow in your vals and your milonga is getting much better, dance experience: 2-5 years or often more

A – Advanced: you are a very experienced dancer, your techique and communciation in the embrace is very good, musicality is an integrated part of your dance and much more important to you than steps/figures, you teach or are able to teach at all the levels below, dance experience: 3-7 years or often more

M – Master: you are an exceptionally good dancer, you teach or are able to teach at all the levels below, dance experience: 5-10 years or often more

Practicing basic technique; walking, weight changes and communication in the embrace, is always time well spent.

Kati and Tiha tango weekend

Posted 01.01.2013 by in Kurs | Nyheter

Årets første tangohelg er nå over. Hjertlig takk til våre fantastiske lærere for energien, engasjementet og tilstedeværelsen. De gav oss en helg fyllt med spennende og utfordrende kurs, pedagogisk glimrende undervisning og oppfølging av hver enkelt danser. Tusen takk til alle som har bidratt, både som hjelpere, deltagere og DJ’er! Neste tangohelg i Trondheim blir 18-21 april! Da ønsker vi velkommen til verdensmestrene i tango salon (2010) Maria Ines Bogado og Sebastian Jimenez.

Kati and Tiha in Trondheim, February 14 – 17, 2013

We are happy to announce that Katalin Czidor (Kati) and Tihamar Bogdan (Tiha) (Hungary-Sweden) are coming to teach at Trondheim Tangoklubb this winter.

Kati has been teaching tango for 10 years. Before that she danced flamenco and has a background in martial arts. As a dancer she believes the couple is the most important thing. Her aim is to make her partner happy – in every single dance. Her aim has been to be able to dance with any leader in any style. The base of her technique is natural movement and comfort, while the technique is just a tool for expressing different feelings. This is why during her technique classes, she focuses on the use of the base leg, the way to relax certain muscles, the different types of dissociation, how to use or not use the arms, how to use the music, adornments as well as the secrets of high heel shoes, posture and of course the walk. She believes in the importance of personal feedback and she truly believes in practice, practice, practice!

Tiha likes the complexity of tango, with action on so many levels of existence, from the physical and intellectual to the emotional levels, all happening at once to the ultimate dance music… you really have to be present if you want to dance good, which is not so easy because of the complexity. As a teacher he likes to help his students to find a easy, organic way to move, as well as finding something personal and unique though interpreting the music and filling the dance with emotions.

All classes, private lessons and milongas at Bridgens Hus, Brattørveita 10, 3.etg.

Click here for registration!.

Registration is binding. Your partner must also sign up within 3 days in order for you to keep your place.

Click here for registration for private lessons.

Thursday 14.02
T1: 18.30         Women technique class - (E) only 2 places left!
T2: 20:15         Leader technique class - (E) cancelled

Friday 15.02
P:  11.00-18.00   Possibility for private lessons.

F1: 19.00-20.30   The magic of pause - dancing milonga (E)
M:  21.00-02.00   Milonga - DJ Kati

Saturday 16.02
L1: 11.00-12.30   Elegance and sensuality of walk (I)
L2: 13.00-14.30   Soft ganchos - (I)

                  Lunch break: 14.30-15.30

L3: 15.30-17.00   Enrosquez for leaders and followers - (E)
M:  21.00-02.00   Grand milonga with show! - 'kurvfest'; everyone brings 
                  food to share and we eat together before dancing 
                  (remember to bring at least as much as you will eat!) 
                  DJ Ailin

Sunday 17.02
S1: 11.00-12.30   Sacadas in close embrace - (I)
S2: 13.00-14.30   Boleo in spiral - (E)

                  Lunch break: 14.30-15.30

S3: 15.30-17.00   Led and not led adornos in linear and 
                  circular movements - (E)

Minimum level requirements:

E – Everyone: all levels, at the minimum you can lead/follow what is taught at our 6-12 weeks semester courses for beginners, basic technique (walking, weight changes, ochos), dance experience: 3 months or more

I – Intermediate: you have integrated what is taught at our 6-12 weeks intermediate semester courses, basic technique (see above, also including giros, double-time steps, rebound steps/change of direction, cross/parallel system), dance experience: 1-2 years or often more

I/A – Intermediate/advanced: your basic technique is good (see above, also the preparation and flow of ganchos, boleos and barridas is getting much better), ocho cortado is easy, you have flow in your vals and your milonga is getting much better, dance experience: 2-5 years or often more

A – Advanced: you are a very experienced dancer, your techique and communication in the embrace is very good, musicality is an integrated part of your dance and much more important to you than steps/figures, you teach or are able to teach at all the levels below, dance experience: 3-7 years or often more

M – Master: you are an exceptionally good dancer, you teach or are able to teach at all the levels below, dance experience: 5-10 years or often more

Practicing basic technique; walking, weight changes and communication in the embrace, is always time well spent.

Click here for registration!.

Registration is binding. Your partner must also sign up within 3 days in order for you to keep your place.

Click here for registration for private lessons.

Come and join us for a great weekend!

Semesterstart våren 2013

Posted 21.12.2012 by in Nyheter

Vi starter opp igjen våre aktiviteter på det nye året med første practica tirsdag 8 januar fra kl. 19-22 og nyttårsmilonga arrangeres fredag 11 januar fra kl. 21. Hjertlig velkommen! Inntil vi møtes igjen ønsker Tangoklubben alle en riktig god jul, en fredlig høytid og et godt nytt år!

Semesterkurs våren 2013

Posted 11.12.2012 by in Kurs | Nyheter

Årets julegave?

Hva skal man gi til de som allerede har alt?

Et kurs i argentinsk tango er en døråpner til spennende utfordringer og nye bekjentskaper. Nå har du muligheten til å gi bort en danseopplevelse i årets julegave. Hvorfor ikke innvilge seg selv en ekstra julegave også?

Registrer personen som får kurs og betal for det kurset du ønsker å gi bort:

Print så ut et gavekort som kan gies som julegave (gyldig når betalt).

Hvis du gir et kurs i gave til deg selv og din partner, husk at begge må registreres separat.

Det er også mulig å gi bort et årskort/semesterpass i julegave, noe å tenke på til ivrige tangodansere!

Gavekortene som du kan printe ut etterpå: Semesterpass eller Årskort
(gyldig når betalt).


Er du nysgjerrig på argentinsk tango? Et semesterkurs for nybegynnere er den mest effektive måten å tilnærme seg det grunnleggende i argentinsk tango. Kurset er beregnet på deg som ikke har danset noe tango før eller som har gått et helgekurs for en tid tilbake og nå ønsker å komme ordentlig igang igjen.

Pris pr.pers. 1200,- for medlemmer og studenter (gjelder ikke PhD-studenter), og 1400,- for andre.

Kurset varer i 12 uker. Instruktører: Trondheim Tangoklubb.

Tid og sted: torsdager kl. 18.00-19.30, Bridgens Hus, Brattørveita 10, 3 etg.

Påmelding til kurset


Har du gått kurs hos oss eller andre steder tidligere? Vi har flere spennende aktiviteter for deg som er viderekommen. Et påbyggingskurs er den beste måten å få kontinuitet i den videre læringen og fordypningen i argentinsk tango. Dette er et kurs som er beregnet på deg som har ferdigheter tilsvarende minst et 6-ukers nybegynnerkurs og har danset 1/2 år eller mer.

Pris pr.pers. 1200,- for medlemmer og studenter (gjelder ikke PhD-studenter), og 1400,- for andre.

Kurset varer i 12 uker. Instruktører: Trondheim Tangoklubb.

Tid og sted: torsdager kl. 20.00-21.30, Bridgens Hus, Brattørveita 10, 3 etg.

Påmelding til kurset

Daniela and Raimund tango weekend

Posted 29.10.2012 by in Kurs | Nyheter

Høstens andre tangohelg er dermed over. Tusen takk til alle som har bidratt, både som hjelpere og som deltagere! En spesiell takk til Daniela og Raimund for gleden, humøret og ikke minst underholdende og lærerike kurs. Hjertlig takk også til DJ’ene som sørget for dansestemningen på milongaene både fredag og lørdag.

Daniela and Raimund in Trondheim, November 30 – December 2, 2012

We are happy to announce that Daniela Feilcke-Wolff and Raimund Schlie (Berlin, Germany) are coming to teach at Trondheim Tangoklubb this late autumn. Daniela has a broad background in tango, as a dancer, teacher and DJ, and has been central to the development of the tango community in Berlin. Since 2005 she has been teaching together with Raimund. Their main activity is the tango studio and milonga Mala Junta. Daniela is also a teacher of the Alexander technique. A warm welcome to them both!

Private lessons on Friday from 12-18. Registration is open!

All classes, private lessons and milongas at Bridgens Hus, Brattørveita 10, 3.etg.

Friday 30.11
F1: 19.00-20.30   Music is in the air - a musicality class - (E)
M:  21.00-        Milonga - DJ Daniela

Saturday 1.12
L1: 11.00-12.30   Milonga - the cheerful sister of tango (I)
L2: 13.00-14.30   How to dance the stops - (I)

                  Lunch break: 14.30-15.30

L3: 15.30-17.00   Wait for the music, then go for it! - (I/A)
M:  20.30-        Advent milonga - 'kurvfest'; everyone brings 
                  food to share and we eat together before dancing 
                  (remember to bring at least as much as you will eat!) 
                  DJ Björn Norell

Sunday 2.12
S1: 11.00-12.30   Comfortable dancing in close embrace - (E)
S2: 13.00-14.30   No space, turn! - (E)

                  Lunch break: 14.30-15.30

S3: 15.30-17.00   Play with the music with your feet - (I)

Minimum level requirements:

E – Everyone: all levels, at the minimum you can lead/follow what is taught at our 6-12 weeks semester courses for beginners, basic technique (walking, weight changes, ochos), dance experience: 3 months or more

I – Intermediate: you have integrated what is taught at our 6-12 weeks intermediate semester courses, basic technique (see above, also including giros, double-time steps, rebound steps/change of direction, cross/parallel system), dance experience: 1-2 years or often more

I/A – Intermediate/advanced: your basic technique is good (see above, also the preparation and flow of ganchos, boleos and barridas is getting much better), ocho cortado is easy, you have flow in your vals and your milonga is getting much better, dance experience: 2-5 years or often more

A – Advanced: you are a very experienced dancer, your techique and communication in the embrace is very good, musicality is an integrated part of your dance and much more important to you than steps/figures, you teach or are able to teach at all the levels below, dance experience: 3-7 years or often more

M – Master: you are an exceptionally good dancer, you teach or are able to teach at all the levels below, dance experience: 5-10 years or often more

Practicing basic technique; walking, weight changes and communication in the embrace, is always time well spent.

The registration is now open!

Registration is binding. Your partner must also sign up within 3 days in order for you to keep your place.

Come and join us for a great weekend!

Fausto and Stephanie tango weekend

Posted 20.08.2012 by in Uncategorized

På vegne av klubben rettes det en stor takk til alle som hjalp til med å gjøre helgen med Fausto og Stephanie til et vellykket arrangement. En spesiell takk til Fausto og Stephanie for gleden, entusiasmen og den grundige personlige oppfølgingen under helgens kurs, og ikke minst en drivende flott oppvisning. Hjertlig takk også til DJ’ene som sørget for god stemning på milongaene både fredag og lørdag.

Fausto and Stephanie in Trondheim, September 28-30, 2012

We are happy to announce that Fausto Carpino (Syracuse, Italy) and Stephanie Fesneau (Paris, France) are coming to teach at Trondheim tangoklubb this autumn. It is the first time Stephanie visit us in Trondheim, while Fausto was here 2 years ago; a warm welcome to them both!

Fausto and Stephanie dedicate themselves to transmit their passion to others. They believe that the connection, musicality and technique are the keys to fully appreciate the beauty of tango. In their classes they want to concentrate on how to be comfortable inside the embrace, based on the logic and naturalness of the movement.(

Classes on Saturday at Ila Skole, everything else at Bridgens Hus, Brattørveita 10, 3.etg.

Friday 28.9
F1: 19.00-20.30 – How to understand and interpret the music (practice and theory) – I/A
M: 21.00 – Milonga – DJ Fausto

Saturday 29.9
L1: 11.00-12.30 – Milonga – E
L2: 13.00-14.30 – Pivot technique – E
14.30-15.30 – Lunch break
L3: 15.30-17.00 – Tango Vals – I/A
M: 21.00 – Grand Milonga with tango show and “Kurvfest” – DJ Morten

Sunday 30.9
S1: 11.00-12.30 – Embrace – I/A
S2: 13.00-14.30 – Couples technique: Work of the standing/free leg – I/A
14.30-15.30 – Lunch break
S3: 15.30-17.00 – Turns and colgadas – A/M

E – Everyone: all levels, at the minimum you can lead/follow what is tought at our 6-12 weeks semester courses for beginners, basic technique (walking, weight changes, ochos), dance experience: 3 months or more

I – Intermediate: you have integrated what is tought at our 6-12 weeks intermediate semester courses, basic technique (see above, also including giros, double-time steps, rebound steps/change of direction, cross/parallel system), dance experience: 1-2 years or often more

I/A – Intermediate/advanced: your basic technique is good (see above, also the preparation and flow of ganchos, boleos and barridas is getting much better), ocho cortado is easy, you have flow in your vals and your milonga is getting much better, dance experience: 2-5 years or often more

A – Advanced: you are a very experienced dancer, your techique and communciation in the embrace is very good, musicality is an integrated part of your dance and much more important to you than steps/figures, you teach or are able to teach at all the levels below, dance experience: 3-7 years or often more

M – Master: you are an exceptionally good dancer, you teach or are able to teach at all the levels below, dance experience: 5-10 years or often more

Practicing basic technique; walking, weight changes and communication in the embrace, is always time well spent.

The registration is now closed.

Registration is binding. Your partner must also sign up within 3 days in order for you to keep your place.

Come and join us for a great weekend!

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