Trondheim Tangoklubb

paint the music with your feet

Tango weekend med Maria Ines Bogado og Jorge Carlos Lopez – April 15 – 17

Posted 08.03.2016 by Hjard Jensen in Uncategorized


Trondheim tangoklubb er veldig glade for å kunne melde at Maria Ines Bogado nok en gang besøker oss. Denne gangen har hun med seg sin nye dansepartner Jorge Carlos Lopez.
De vil gjeste oss fra tirsdag 11. april og holde klasser helgen 15 – 17.
Rydd plass i kalenderen og bli med på en flott tangouke

It is a great pleasure for us to announce that Maria Ines Bogado again has chosen to visit us. This time she will be joined by her new dance partner Jorge Carlos Lopez.
They will be in Trondheim from Tuesday of April, and will hold classes the weekend 15 – 17.
Do not hesitate! Mark the dates in your calendar and join us for a wonderful tango week.

Friday April 15.
F1: 19.00-20.30 Caracter in the walk: posture, embrace. How to find the connection and changes in the walk through the different types of orchestras (I)
Milonga 21.00-02.00 DJ Anders Flaarønning

Saturday April 16.
L1: 11.00-12.30 Leaders technique & Followers technique 1 (E)
L2: 13.00-14.30 Vals: Cadence, musicality and movements (I)
L3: 15.30-17.00 Vals: Alteration with turns. Energetic and fast (I)
Milonga 21.00-02.00 DJ Birger Hugdal

Sunday April 17.
S1: 11.00-12.30 Leaders technique & Followers technique 2 (E)
S2: 13.00-14.30 Giros: possibilities into the turns – Barridas and Sacadas. (I)
S3: 15.30-17.00 Alterations in giros and contragiros: Weight and control, how to find the balance in different alterations (I/A)