Trondheim Tangoklubb

paint the music with your feet

Mario Bournissen and Laura Rusconi are visiting Trondheim!

Posted 01.05.2014 by Hjard Jensen in Uncategorized

Mario Bournissen y Laura Risconi

We in Trondheim Tango club are happy to announce that Mario Bournissen and Laura Rusconi are visiting Trondheim! For this occasion they will hold courses and have a guided practica from May 6 to May 8. It will also be possible to register for private lessons with them. Horray!

Mario Bournissen has over 20 years of dancing experience. He is currently teaching tango in Buenos Aires, and is also oraganizing tango and milonga seminars regularly in clubs like Ninõ Bien, Viejo Correro, La Calesita, Viento Norte, Villa Malcolm and Salon Canning. Mario founded the Milonga Soho Tango
and has organized events there for seven years. In addition to being a tango dancer and teacher, he is also an active tango DJ.

Laura is a tango dancer who found Mario five years ago, and since then they have been teaching tango together at
Villa Molcolm in both Soho Tango and Viva La Pepa Milongas. Since 2009, they started touring abroad, and this May they are coming back to Trondheim!

Together Mario and Laura founded their own studio in Buenos Aires, Hay Un Lugar, where they have tango courses and arrange milongas.

We look forward to seeing this wonderful tango couple again here in Trondheim. Welcome, Mario and Laura!


Tuesday May 6
18.30 – 19.30: Intermediate level
Control of the axis and rythmical excercises
Technical elements according to the group’s needs
NOK 100,-

19.30 – 22.00: Everyone, all levels of dancers
Guided practica with both Mario and Laura
Prices as every practica

Wednesday May 7
18.00-19.00: Beginners course
Technique of basic movements, walks and combined exercises with rhythmic
NOK 100,-

19.30 – 20.30: Intermediate level
Embrace: relation and conection.
Going from open to close embrace and vice versa
Lineal and circular patterns and changes of direction
NOK 100,-

Tuesday May 6/Wednesday May 7 08.00 – 17.00:
Possibility of Private lessons.
NOK 900,- for an hour (With both Mario and Laura attending).

For registration and payment, click here.

Note! The courses and private lessons will be held on different locations, and these will be posted on our facebook event.

We are excited for their visit and we hope you want to join us, but until then, please do enjoy this joyful milonga Mario Bournissen and Laura Rusconi